NRG Pays is a finance company that is focused on environmental and socially responsible
bridge financing to contractors and consumers waiting on rebate subsidy payments. Our services directly benefit consumers, contractors and even the utility themselves.
End users get rebates payments immediately which drives up satisfaction
rates by as high as 92%. Simply put, most customers just don't want to wait for their money.
NRG Pays will pay the consumer first and we'll do the waiting.
Contractors get paid in as quick as 72 hours ensuring a healthy cash flow, the ability to hire more sales people and lower operational downtime.
These benefits translate to better prices for consumers
and thus more business for the contractor.
We solve the age old question of "when am I going to get paid?", thus lowering employee stress
and increasing productivity.
Because NRG Pays assists contractors with paperwork and performs our own post inspection, we help solve problems earlier and quicker.
Take 30 seconds to make a free appointment. Use the cash flow to hire new sales people , pay employees or lower product purchase costs. Whatever you choose, money is always best in your pocket.
“I owned my own lighting retrofit company and I thought this was an awesome service because I know what's it's like to run your own business. Now I'm a partner.”
Eric Ellendorf Apex LED
“I'll only use this service if I have no choice but I need to use a lot recently. Good to have option though. Best for the holidays coming up.”
Ken Kim K-Lights Inc.
“You guys took me to where I am. It's been two months and I've done 15k consistently every week, thanks to the cash flow availability. I appreciate NRG Pays.”
Bill Diskin Ecogreen Lighting Solutions
Revenue Is Vanity, Profit is Sanity But Cash Flow Is Primary.
If your business is thriving, we're doing our job.
NRG Pays is dedicated to providing funding alternatives to companies that specialize in lighting retrofit, solar installations and HVAC upgrades.
Founded by seasoned industry insiders, NRG Pays is dedicated to your project.
We sell the brands that last! We have a lot at risk when we finance a project, so we only want the best products where dependability isn't a question and returns aren't an issue.
Sila Nanotechnologies is offering the next generation of batteries. Although not solid state we believe that Sila's silicone anode battery is an affordable next-gen product that represents the beginning of a world where electric cars and such will start making more economical sense.
What is rebate factoring and how is it different than project financing? When you finance a project the process can be messy and complicated. First you have to find a bank that will run your credit (personal or business) then they will ask for collateral and then possibly approve you for a pre-determined amount. You will pay this back with interest on top!! When you factor a pre-approved rebate with NRG Pays, we Just assign the approved rebate to NRG Pays and we will send you 70% of the rebate in (3) three days! No credit check, no limit on the amount, and no hassle! Once the rebate is paid out to NRG Pays by the utility company we will send you the remaining 30%. Since the utility company will send the rebate check directly to NRG Pays this means you have NO monthly payment and pay NO interest at all!! Just keep an eye our for your deposit then reinvest it into your next project immediately!! Did you know that banks will NOT factor your rebate for the simple fact that a rebate is not a guaranteed account receivable and the utility company will not guarantee it in writing! So since NRG Pays is comprised of seasoned lighting professional who understand the rebate game, we take the risk for you and will factor all pre-approved utility rebates!! Imagine a world in which you do not have to wait, six, seven, eight and sometimes up to twelve weeks to get a rebate check!